Guv nod to impose cess on minerals, State to get  Rs 4000 crore

  • | Saturday | 28th September, 2024

Governor Santosh Kumar Gangwar has given his approval to the Jharkhand Mineral Bearing Land Cess Bill-2024 on Thursday, September 26. This law will come into force in the state with the publication of the gazette. Under this law, cess will be levied on minerals in the state. Governor gave approval to the bill passed by the Legislative Assembly. This bill was passed by the Assembly and sent to the Governor for approval. Under this, imposing cess on royalty on the excavation of minerals from the mineral bearing land of Jharkhand and the amount received from it will provide economic power to fulfill the necessary objectives in the state. These essential objectives of the state include health services, education, social security services, agriculture, rural infrastructure, drinking water and sanitation and other requirements. On getting approval of this bill and implementation of cess in the state, the Mines Department is expected to collect additional revenue ranging from Rs 2000 to Rs 4000 crore, which will benefit the state government. At present, the revenue of the Mines Department is around 12 thousand crores, which is now going to increase. The Supreme Court had given an order in this matter on July 25, 2024, after which the state government decided to impose cess on the land of the mines. In this decision of the Supreme Court, the states were given the right to impose cess on land containing minerals. It was said in this order that the amount received from the cess will be spent by the government on the development of the state.

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