CM dedicates schemes worth Rs 841 Crore to residents of Chatra & Koderma

  • | Wednesday | 25th September, 2024

Chief Minister Hemant Soren today reiterated the resolve for the all-round development of Jharkhand state by dedicating 702 development schemes worth about 841 crores to the people of Chatra and Koderma districts in the programme "Aapki Yojana- Aapki Sarkar- Aapke Dwar" organized on the holy land of Maa Bhadrakali at Itkhori in Chatra district. In his address, he said that our government is getting strength from your enthusiasm, cooperation and support. It is because of this that we are strengthening this state. The CM gifted 702 schemes worth about 841 crores to Chatra and Koderma districts. This includes the foundation stone laying of 501 schemes worth Rs 501 crore 78 lakhs and the inauguration of 15 schemes worth Rs 35 crore 58 lakhs under Chatra district. While in Koderma district, the foundation stone laying of 91 schemes worth Rs 174 crore 11 lakhs and the inauguration of 95 schemes worth Rs 129 crore 66 lakhs were completed. On this occasion, assets worth Rs 529 crore 11 lakh were distributed among 3 lakh 14 thousand 885 beneficiaries of Chatra district and Rs 207 crore 12 lakh were distributed among 1 lakh 79 thousand 581 beneficiaries of Koderma district. The CM said that Jharkhand Mukhyamantri Mainiya Samman Yojana is getting immense support from sisters and daughters. Today this scheme has emerged as the most successful and popular scheme. There is a great enthusiasm among the women of the entire state regarding this scheme. I assure you that the government will stand with you at every step to empower you. The CM said that the state owes Rs 1 lakh 36 thousand crore to the Center, if we get only the interest on this amount, then there will be no need to depend on anyone to take this state forward. Jharkhand Chief Minister Mainiya Samman Yojana will be able to come among you with many schemes for the people of the state. Today, even amidst all the challenges and adverse circumstances, we are working with full force to decorate and beautify this state. The CM said that we had to struggle a long time for a separate state of Jharkhand. Many people sacrificed themselves in the long battle for a separate state. But, it is a matter of regret that after the formation of a separate state, the pace of development that should have been gained, could not happen. This state remained neglected for 20 years after the formation of a separate state. But, when our government was formed in December 2019, we started the process of moving this state forward. I can claim that the work done by our government in the last four and a half years, despite fighting a global pandemic like corona for almost two years, could not have been done in 20 years. The CM said that when the farmers are happy, the state will be strong. Keeping this in mind, the government is working diligently for the welfare of the farmers. Our government is already buying paddy from the farmers, now we have also decided to open rice mills. Many rice mills will open in the state soon. The rice produced in these rice mills will be distributed free of cost among the poor. The CM said that the government is fully committed to public welfare. Today we are giving pension to all the elderly. We have come up with a historic scheme to give 12 thousand rupees honorarium per year to 50 lakh sisters and daughters. The government is providing financial assistance for self-employment along with jobs to the youth on a large scale. The government is taking the responsibility of education by connecting 9 lakh girls with Savitribai Phule Kishori Samridhi Yojana so far. Under the Guruji Credit Card Scheme, the government is providing education loan of up to Rs. 15 lakh to students on its guarantee, so that they can study and become engineers, doctors, lawyers and officers. This is the first state which is providing full expenses to its students for higher education abroad. There are many more such schemes, through which we are working to strengthen every section and class of the society. Ministers Satyanand Bhokta, Banna Gupta, MLA Uma Shankar Akela, Chatra District Council President Mamta Devi, Koderma District Council President Ramdhan Yadav, Chatra 20-point Vice President Prabhudayal Ram and Deputy Commissioner and Superintendent of Police of Chatra and Koderma districts along with other officials were present in this programme.

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