Booth-Level discussions begins at Ranchi Assembly: Jaiswal

  • | Monday | 23rd September, 2024

Booth-Level discussions cum meeting was held at the residential office of former President of Jharkhand Pradesh Professionals Congress and current Jharkhand Pradesh Congress Committee representative, Aditya Vikram Jaiswal. The meeting was conducted under the initiative of "One Booth, One Professional" and "One Booth, Five Youth." Senior members from various booths of the Ranchi Vidhan Sabha were present at the event, with notable representation from areas like Ratu Road, Chutia, Nayatoil, Lower Bazar, and Kantatoli. On this occasion, Aditya Vikram Jaiswal announced that from tomorrow, they will begin door-to-door visits across Ranchi Vidhan Sabha under the campaign "One Booth, Five Youth" and "One Booth, One Professional." They aim to meet traders and households, understand their concerns, and work towards solutions. Jaiswal also stated that they will ensure the benefits provided by the Jharkhand government reach every household, and those who have been left out for any reason will be connected to these benefits. Through these foot marches, they also plan to gather new suggestions from the public, which will be considered for inclusion in the party manifesto. Attendees of the feast included Yogendra Singh Beni, Munji Singh, Sarita Ram, Urmila Kachhap, Menka Ji, Veena Ji, Sudha Ji, Krishna Sahay, Sanjeev Mahto, Anil Singh, Rajesh Nayak, Bipin Tirkey, Gaurav Singh, Pranav Singh, Amitesh Singh, Anurag Gupta, Rahul Bihari, Suraj Jha, Puneet Nayak, Irfan Ahmed, Adnan Sheikh, Ramji Sharma, Ajay Sharma, Bajrang Nayak, Santosh Nayak, Krishna Ram, Santosh Nayak, and many others.

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