Excise Constable recruitment to restart from Sept 10

  • | Friday | 6th September, 2024

Total 1, 310,17 candidates have been successful in the race for excise constable recruitment. ADG RK Mallick gave this information in a press conference on Thursday. He said that the recruitment of excise constables will also start from 10th September. Mallick said that 5 lakh 13 thousand applications were received for excise constable. The race for roll numbers up to 4 lakh has been completed. In which 1 lakh 87 thousand 704 people have participated in the race. In this 1, 310, 17 people have been successful. He said that the race for 1,13000 is still left. The ADG said that 3,000 people will be included in the race every day. Those whose race was to be held on 3rd September will be made to run on 10th and 11th. Those whose race was on 4th will participate in the race on 12th and 13th, he added. Mallick further said that the race that was being held in Chianki of Palamu will not happen there now. Those who are left from Palamu will be recruited in the remaining 6 centers on September 19th and September 20th. The ADG also said that for this, candidates can download their fresh admit card. He said that now the race will not happen after 9 am. If any candidate has a medical problem, he must consult a doctor. For the convenience of the candidates, oxygen and BP measuring devices will now be available at the center, he added.

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