Marandi meets kin of deceased excise constable aspirant

  • | Wednesday | 4th September, 2024

BJP State President and former Chief Minister Babulal Marandi today met the family members of late Ajay Kumar Mahato an excise constable aspirant, who died recently while undergoing physical endurance test for Excise Constable race, at his home in Jirabar village in Ormanjhi block. State General Secretary and MP Aditya Sahu accompanied Marandi. The State Government on Monday halted the excise constable recruitment drive for three days,  Marandi expressed deep sorrow over the untimely death. He consoled the family members and prayed for the peace of the soul of the deceased. Marandi also gave a financial assistance of Rs 1 lakh to the family members on behalf of the State BJP. Marandi took a big dig at the state government. He said that this is an insensitive government. Youths are dying and the government is carefree. The state government does not even have time to take care of the families. Marandi said that the way the Hemant government violated the rules in the Excise Constable race is causing the death of the candidates and young men. He said that no concern was shown for the health of the candidates. The youth reached the centre after a long journey. They lined up after staying awake all night and were made to run in the sun in the morning. He said that this had a direct impact on the health of the youth. In such a situation, it is natural that blood pressure also increases due to lack of sleep. The bodys working capacity decreases. Still the candidates were forced to run. He said that as far as the rules are concerned, there is a clear provision in the recruitment rules of 2018 that before the race, there should be a written and physical examination of the candidates. Only those who are successful in this should be included in the race. But this government did not do so. He said that running 10 kilometers in one hour is impractical for a soldier of the excise department. There is no such requirement even in the recruitment of the army. He said that negligence was also shown in the treatment of late Ajay Kumar Mahato. The family members were informed when he fainted during the race. His father wanted to get him treated in a private hospital but he was not allowed to do so. He said that on the contrary, he was given food through a food pipe in RIMS through his nose, while he was talking and was capable of eating and drinking. Thus, negligence was also shown in the treatment. Marandi said that the state government is completely responsible for the death. He demanded from the government that the dependents of the deceased should be given a compensation of Rs. 50 lakhs and one member should be given a government job immediately.

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