CEO holds review meeting with all Deputy Election Officers

  • | Saturday | 31st August, 2024

Chief Electoral Officer K. Ravi Kumar chaired a review meeting with Deputy Election Officers of all the districts through online medium from Election House as per the pre-determined program, computer operators engaged in election work were also present in the meeting. In the course of review, the CEO directed to identify BLOs and BLO Supervisors who performed poorly in the voter revision program. He said that if BLOs do not work properly in their area, then the election process is adversely affected. He said that the districts in the state where more applications related to voter registration are pending, should take immediate action for this and ensure to reduce the number of all pending applications to zero. He directed all the Deputy Election Officers to ensure a meeting with the representatives of the recognized political parties of their districts and provide all the information related to the final publication of the voter list and if any error related to the voter list is being reported by them, then mark it and resolve it. Kumar said that all BLOs and BLO supervisors must take a certificate that no voter below 18 years of age has been registered in their area. To ensure that there has been no wrong deletion in the voter list, all BLOs must also get its certification. In the review meeting, instructions were also given for detailed publicity of the Election Quiz 2024 competition examination going on in the state and it was also said that an action plan should also be prepared to run an awareness campaign related to EVM among the voters. Apart from this, instructions were given while reviewing the Naam Checko campaign, EPIC PDF generation, registration of new voters, timely payment of election related dues etc. in the meeting. Joint Chief Electoral Officer Subodh Kumar was also present on this occasion.

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