2,57,78,149 voters in Jharkhand

  • | Wednesday | 28th August, 2024

Chief Electoral Officer K. Ravi Kumar held a press conference with media representatives in the Election House as per the pre-scheduled program regarding the final publication of the second special summary revision program of the voter list 2024. He said that under the upcoming assembly elections, the draft of the second special summary revision program of the voter list going on in the state was published on July 25, which has been finally published today at all the districts, blocks and polling stations. The final publication of the voter list has been made available to all political parties in the form of soft and hard copy. He said that the voters of the state must check their names in this newly published voter list, in case of any discrepancy, get it corrected immediately. The Chief Electoral Officer said that after the publication of the voter list, there are a total of 2,57,78,149 voters in the state, out of which 1,30,65,449 are male voters, 1,27,12,266 are female voters and 434 are third gender voters. He informed that after the abolition and formation of polling stations, there are now 29,562 polling stations instead of the previously approved 29,521 polling stations, meaning a total of 41 polling stations have been created. On this occasion, Additional Chief Electoral Officer Neha Arora and Deputy Electoral Officer (Headquarters) Sanjay Kumar were also present.

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