Govts unique initiative to connect villagers to development

  • | Monday | 26th August, 2024

For the rehabilitation of the villagers of Kuzrum, Latu and Jaigir, located in the midst of dense forest and near the highly Naxal-affected area of Budha Pahad, Jharkhand government is continuously taking initiatives to connect them to the mainstream of development. In this sequence, in a program held at Chianki Airport in Medininagar, the Chief Minister provided the villagers of Kuzrum with the right certificate of Raiyat land and a bank certificate of Rs 15 lakh. A unique initiative has been taken by the Jharkhand government to solve the problems of the villagers and connect them to the mainstream of development. The villagers of Kuzrum, Latu and Jaigir, located in the midst of dense forest and near the highly Naxal-affected area of Budha Pahad, have been provided the option of 2 hectares of Raiyat land and Rs 15 lakh in cash at a selected site near the district headquarters for rehabilitation. 800 square feet concrete house, electricity, water, irrigation, education, health and employment facilities are being provided to the villagers. Due to the rules made for wildlife conservation, there is a ban on the construction of concrete structures in the villages located in the core area of Palamu Tiger Reserve. Being located in the core area, the government cannot provide the facility of paved road and electricity. The villagers here face wild animals like tiger, leopard, elephant and bear every day. Gram Pradhan of Kuzrum, Shri Lallu Oraon told that the process of rehabilitation was started in December 2019. The villagers themselves selected the site of rehabilitation. After receiving the certificate from the Honorable Chief Minister, other villagers of Kuzrum and Palamu Tiger Reserve are excited. Deputy Director of Palamu Tiger Reserve Kumar Ashish informed that at present the process of rehabilitation of three villages Kuzrum, Latu and Jaigir is going on. Information is being given to other villagers living in the core area regarding rehabilitation. The officials of Palamu Tiger Reserve are working as per the directions of the state government for the better future of the villagers.

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