BJP is ideology based workers driven party: Marandi

  • | Monday | 12th August, 2024

BJP is an ideology and worker based political party. Its aim is to take India to the pinnacle of glory. In such a situation, the expansionist workers should become the carriers to get rid of the corrupt and useless government of the state. These things were said by BJPs state president Babulal Marandi on Sunday. He was speaking in the Vidhansabha expansionist training class program organized in the state BJP office. In the training class organized in 8 sessions, topics like the partys theoretical ideology, history development, election management and social media were discussed in detail. Marandi said that party workers work continuously to fulfill these objectives. In the ambit of Antyodaya and Integral Human Philosophy and cultural nationalism, power is not an end for BJP but a means to make Mother India a world leader. BJP is rapidly implementing policies and programs on the ground under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Center today. By forming the Modi government for the third time, the public has appreciated the partys policies and programs. He said that elections are also on the horizon in the state. There is anger against the thugbandhan government in the state. The public is determined to form a double engine government led by the BJP. The Lok Sabha election results clearly indicate this. He said that the BJP government created a separate Jharkhand state under the leadership of revered Atal Bihari Vajpayee. We have to fulfill the resolution of a developed Jharkhand. Addressing the closing session of the program, Leader of Opposition Amar Bauri said that election management is also important to form a double engine government in the upcoming elections. Vistaraks will play a major role in the smooth running of management work in their respective areas. Vistaraks have to speed up the work in the role of a catalyst. In the program, regional organization general secretary Nagendra Tripathi said that the role of a Vistarak is like the foundation stone. Staying away from the stage, garlands and mike, giving impetus to the partys policies, programs and schemes should be the identity of Vistaraks.  At the same time, state organization general secretary Karmveer Singh said that the booth is the center point in strengthening the organization. We have to fulfill our goal by putting the resolution of winning the booth, winning the election into action. In the program, State General Secretary cum MP Dr. Pradeep Verma spoke about the development of BJPs history, Central Team Member Manoj Singh spoke about BJPs Panch Nishtha and ideology, Co-Media Incharge Yogendra Pratap Singh spoke about the achievements of the Central Government, Rahul Awasthi and Vivek Vikas spoke about social media and IT. Manoj Kumar Dubey and many others were present in the meeting.

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