Goat population growth rate second highest in Jharkhand: Experts

  • | Friday | 9th August, 2024

BAU animal geneticist and Principal Investigator (PI) of AICRP on Goat, Dr Nandani Kumari said Jharkhand having a goat population of 9.1 million (2019 livestock census), ranks 8th amongst Indian states in goat population registering an increase of 38.59 percent in the last five years. The increase in goat population in Jharkhand is second only to West Bengal which signifies the economic dependence of the Jharkhand farmers especially tribals on goat rearing. Birsa Agriculture University (BAU0 team members of All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Goat visited its Barabanki breeding cluster located in East Singhbum. The team conducted vaccination of altogether 471 goats against PPR which is an important viral disease caused by morbillivirus in goats causing huge morbidity and mortality. The team also held a health camp and distributed medicines to farmers for their ailing goats along with required consultation for disease management. Kumari apprised the farmers about the importance of goat rearing and the role of balanced diet, proper management practices like timely dipping, de-worming, vaccination and others in profitable goat rearing.   They were advised to grow moringa and feed its leaves to goat as is has immense health benefits. She also promoted the female farmers in general and those belonging to SC-ST in particular to get registered to AICRP on goat project by taking up goat rearing to avail the benefits provided for them. ICAR supported AICRP on goat, Black Bengal (Field Unit) under operation at BAU  is mandated for selection and improvement of Black Bengal Goats and socio- economic upliftment of the farmers associated with it by teaching them about scientific and innovative methods of goat rearing in four of its breeding centres namely Barabanki (East singhbum), Tiko (Lohardaga), Palojori (Deoghar) and Chamguru ( Ranchi).  The centres are operated with the help of four eneumerators who collect data from their registered farmers about the growth and reproductive traits of Black Bengal goats of the area so that appropriate strategy for improvement of Black Bengal goats by selective breeding, in consonance with the Livestock Breeding Policy of Jharkhand, could be prepared. Tribal sub plan (TSP) and schedule caste sub plan (SCSP) components are other important part of this project making it immensely beneficial for the farmers of Jharkhand relying on goat rearing for their sustenance. The visiting team consisted animal nutritionist Dr Dinesh Kumar (Co-PI), veterinary gynaecologist Dr.Dilip Kumar and project staff. Relished for its meat trait and known for prolificacy etc. across the country, Black Bengal goat is an asset not only for Jharkhand but for India. Jharkhand being richly inhabited mostly by the only recognized breed Black Bengal goat, the potential of its genetic improvement with other indigenous as well as exotic breed is immense paving the way for development of new crossbreed or varieties with black Bengal goat under the AICRP, benefitting the farmers.

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