Draft electoral roll published in State, voters check their names in list

  • | Friday | 26th July, 2024

As per the pre-scheduled programme, the draft of the voter list was published on Thursday. On the occasion of publication of the draft voter list, Chief Electoral Officer K Ravi Kumar went to his polling booth located at Madhya Vidyalaya Doranda, Ranchi and checked his name and the names of his family members. Apart from him, all the special and common people including District Electoral Officers, Superintendents of Police from across the state checked their names in the voter list. In fact, it was already widely publicised by the Chief Electoral Officers office that the draft of the voter list is to be published on Thursday. After publication, between 12.00 and 1:00 pm, in the social media campaign Naam Chacho, a large number of people posted related posts on their respective social media platforms while checking their names. As a result, the said "Naam Chacho" hashtag campaign dominated social media throughout the day. The draft of the voter list was shown by BLOs at all the polling stations in the state. Voters went to the polling station and matched their names in the list. Chief Electoral Officer K Ravi Kumar appealed to the voters that those who could not come to the polling station on Thursday to check their name in the list can also check their name online, if any kind of correction is required then inform in time because work is being done to improve the format. He said that at the time of voting, no voter should be deprived of his voting rights, so that he must check his name in the voter list. After checking his name in the voter list, the Chief Electoral Officer also planted a tree in his polling station BMP Madhya Vidyalaya Doranda campus. It was pre-determined to run the NaamJancho social media hashtag campaign on the day of publication i.e. Thursday itself. As a result, a large number of voters participated enthusiastically in this campaign. They checked their names, as well as worked to make other voters aware through their social media posts. On this occasion, Deputy Election Officer Headquarters Sanjay Kumar along with senior officials related to the election of Ranchi district were present.

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