Two children with hearing impairment get renewed life

  • | Friday | 13th September, 2024

Two five-year-old boys, Bhanu Nishad and Aaru Sahu, suffering from hearing impairment since birth have got a new lease of life after getting cochlear implants. An official communiqué said on Wednesday that they received aid under the National Child Health Programme Chirayu. A cochlear implant is an electronic device that is fitted to a person who is either deaf or has limited hearing. One part of it is external, while the other part is fitted inside the ear through surgery. Simga block medical officer Dr. Paras Patel said both children could not develop language skills since they were deaf from birth. Both families are financially weak, and could not afford the treatment, he said. The operation on both children was performed free of charge under this scheme. They are recovering well.

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