Govt issues advisory to tackle crop diseases

  • | Friday | 6th September, 2024

With the sowing of Kharif crops near completion, the Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Chhattisgarh are issuing advisory to tackle diseases and infestations in crops, an official communiqué said on Wednesday. The advisory calls for draining out the water from the fields in case of infestations of green moths. No more than five cm of water should be allowed in the paddy field. In cases of diseases, unnecessary water should be drained out of the field. Farmers have also been told not to plant crops too close to one another. In case of disease infestation, it is advised to spray 0.1 percent hexaconazole fungicide at an interval of 10–12 days. For controlling leaf-eating caterpillars and white fly, it is advised to spray pre-mixed insecticide beta-cyfluthrin imidacloprid at the rate of 350 ml per hectare. This method will also control stem fly.

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