Cong stages Gau Satyagrah across Cgarh

  • | Monday | 19th August, 2024

The Congress in Chhattisgarh on Friday resorted to Gau-Satyagrah at district and block headquarters across the state charging the BJP government with failing to control the stray cattle menace. Congress leaders and workers left stray cattle at the Collectorates and SDM offices at the district and block headquarters respectively. PCC chief Deepak Baij staged the protest in Raipur while former Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel did so in his constituency Patan. Leader of Opposition Charandas Mahant took to the streets Bilaspur. Baij said in a statement that the problem of deaths of cattle in road accidents, accidents caused due to them and the grazing of crops have become a burning problem. The problem of stray cattle has worsened during BJP rule and the government is not paying attention," he said.

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