CGPSC Scam: CBI raids multiple locations

  • | Friday | 9th August, 2024

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Wednesday carried out raids at 16 locations including Raipur, Bhilai, Durg, Bilaspur and Kurud in connection with the Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC) recruitment scam. The raids were carried out at the residences and offices of several high-ranking officials, including police officers and politicians. A CBI FIR filed last month named 16 people who were appointed as deputy collectors, deputy superintendents of police and other lucrative positions, alleging that CGPSC officials favoured them for the appointments. The agency alleged that there were manipulations in the examination held in 2022, the results of which were declared on May 11, 2023. The CBI in its FIR had named former Chhattisgarh governor Biswabhusan Harichanans secretary Amrit Kumar Xalxos son Nikhil and daughter Neha, who became deputy collectors; Chhattisgarh police Deputy Inspector General KL Dhruvs daughter Sakshi (deputy collector); Congress leader Sudhir Katiyars daughter Bhumika and son-in-law Sashank Goyal (deputy collectors); and Congress leader Rajendra Shuklas daughter Swarnim (deputy collector). The FIR also named five more candidates linked to Congress leaders without naming the politicians. The Chhattisgarh government handed over the matter to CBI in the month of February after coming back to power.

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