Meet on vision document-2047 emphasizes quality education

  • | Friday | 31st May, 2024

A Chhattisgarh NITI Aayog meeting held in Raipur on Wednesday to prepare the Vision 2047 Document emphasised the need for on quality education. Representatives from reputed educational institutions were present. Advisor Dr. Dhirendra Tiwari delivered a presentation on the key goals established for quality education, major challenges and departmental vision. School Education Department Secretary Siddharth Komal Pardeshi spoke about the various programmes underway in relation to the document. The government is preparing a vision document called Amritkal: Chhattisgarh Vision 2047 which will contain a detailed roadmap to transform the region from a developing state to a developed one. The document is scheduled to be released on Chhattisgarhs foundation day, November 1.

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