Ten Maoists including four minors surrender

  • | Friday | 31st May, 2024

Ten Naxalites including four minors on Wednesday decided to join the mainstream in Chhattisgarhs Dantewada district, around 350 km from Raipur. Dantewada Superintendent of Police Gaurav Rai told the media that the surrendered Naxalites were residents of Rekhawaya village in neighbouring Narayanpur district and worked under the Indravati area committee of the Maoists in south Bastar. These cadres turned themselves in before senior police and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) officials, police official said. As Maoist cadres, they were allegedly given tasks such as digging roads, felling trees to block roads and putting up posters and banners, Rai said. Upon surrender, all of them were provided a financial assistance of Rs 25,000 each and will be rehabilitated as per the governments policy, he added.

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