Vaccination of livestock before monsoon stressed

  • | Friday | 31st May, 2024

Chhattisgarh Agriculture Secretary Shehla Nigar on Wednesday stressed the need to completely vaccinate livestock before the arrival of the monsoon to foil the diseases associated with the season. She said this at a review meeting of Kharif 2024 and the progress of Rabi 2023-24 action plans with officials of the Surguja and Bilaspur divisions. Nigar directed the officials from the Animal Husbandry and Horticulture departments to ensure immunization before the monsoon. She set goals for the storage and distribution of fertilizers and seeds in view of the arrival of the period of sowing kharif crops. She gave directions to store 75 percent of the targeted amount of seeds and distribute 40 percent to farmers by June 3. For fertilizers, 60 percent of the target amount should be stored and 40 percent should be lifted within the same time period, she said. Instructions were given to crack down on the distribution of substandard fertilizers and seeds.

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