Shah vows to end Maoism from Cgarh in two years

  • | Friday | 24th May, 2024

Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday vowed to eliminate Maoism from Chhattisgarh in two years. He told an election rally in Kanker that the Red menace has ended in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and Maharashtra and will be uprooted from Chhattisgarh too in two years if the BJP wins the Lok Sabha elections.  He charged that four generations of the Gandhi family had ruled the country but had done nothing for the poor in Chhattisgarh. The Congress says the minority community has the first right over the countrys resources of the country but BJP says the Jal, Jungle and Jameen belong to the poor, Adivasis, Dalits and backwards," Shah said. He also said that Congress leaders did not attend the consecration ceremony of the Ram Lalla at the Ayodhya temple to continue their appeasement policy of the minorities. The Minister praised Modis "good track record of 10 years and agenda for 25 years". Shah during his speech appealed to the people of Kanker to vote for the BJPs Lok Sabha seat candidate Bhojraj Nag. Polling in Kanker will be held on April 26 along with Rajnandgaon and Mahasamund.

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