Chhattisgarh final phase voting rises to 72 percent

  • | Saturday | 11th May, 2024

As per the final figures, Chhattisgarh recorded 71.98 percent polling in the third and final phase of the Lok Sabha elections, the Election Commission said on Wednesday. Surguja constituency recorded the highest turnout at 79.89 percent followed by Raigarh at 78.85 percent. Raipur fell behind in the second last spot at 66.82 percent. Bilaspur saw the lowest turnout of 64.77 percent. Durg recorded 73.68 percent voting, Korba 75.63 percent and Janjgir-Champa 67.56 percent. Assembly-wise, Dharamjaigarh had the highest turnout at 84.61 percent. Raipur City West segment recorded the lowest turnout of 56.65 percent and the Bilaspur assembly at 57.04 percent. The electoral fate of 168 candidates, 142 men and 26 women, are sealed in EVMs. The results will be known on June 4. The main contests in Chhattisgarh are between the BJPs Saroj Pandey and outgoing Congress MP Jyotsna Mahant in Korba as well as BJP heavyweight and eight-time MLA Brijmohan Agrawal against Congress Vikas Upadhayay in Raipur.

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