UPLC to implement smart classroom project in UP

  • | Saturday | 14th September, 2024

he Uttar Pradesh government has tasked the public sector undertaking UP Electronics Corporation Limited (UPLC) with the job of implementing smart classrooms in primary schools across the state.  The process of setting up the smart classrooms has already commenced and to facilitate this, a technical project management unit will soon be established by the UPLC. The project is part of the objective of the state government for educational reform and modernisation of basic and secondary schools in Uttar Pradesh. The project lays special emphasis on integrating cutting-edge technology. To equip the states basic and secondary schools with smart classrooms and e-learning systems, various components, including interactive boards, displays and advanced audio-visual setups will be installed and operated. The technical project management unit (TPMU) will be established to oversee the project. UPLC will select a pre-empanelled agency to handle the task, and this selection process is underway.  Once the agency is finalised, the TPMU will coordinate efforts between UPLC and the Basic and Secondary Education departments to implement smart class infrastructure in the states schools. The first step will be the preparation of a detailed project report (DPR) by TPMU, outlining the plan to equip schools with smart class and e-learning systems, in collaboration with UPLC and the Education department. Following this, the implementation will be carried out in phases according to the DPR, focusing on establishing and developing the required infrastructure. The TPMU will operate for three years, during which it will monitor progress of the project, prepare regular reports and manage key activities such as data analytics, resource allocation, stakeholder engagement, documentation and risk management.

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