UP govt to launch 50TDP wet waste disposal project in Greater Noida

  • | Wednesday | 7th August, 2024

The Uttar Pradesh government is gearing up to launch a 50TDP wet waste disposal project in Greater Noida. This initiative aims to convert 50 tonnes of wet waste per day into bio-CNG, benefitting 12 lakh residents across 380 square kilometres, encompassing 95 sectors and 124 villages within eight administrative zones of Greater Noida. Simultaneously, the government has commenced the establishment of a Sequential Batch Reactor Technology- based sewage treatment plant in Sector-1 of Greater Noida. This plant, with a capacity of 45 million litres per day, will be built at a cost of Rs 79.57 crore. The process of selecting agencies and allocating work for its establishment, operation, and testing is currently underway. Along with this, the waste disposal project, which will convert wet waste into bio-CNG, is progressing with a budget of Rs 17 crore. The Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority has initiated the process of selecting contractors through a quality and cost-based approach. The bio-CNG unit will be established in Astauli, Greater Noida, with the goal of promoting 100% scientific processing of municipal solid waste. Greater Noida currently employs a decentralised waste management model with three approved processing units: two mechanical composting units (10 TPD each) and one bio-methanation unit (18 TPD). Additionally, some bulk generator zones manage their waste on-site. The new project aims to enhance this model by processing 50 TPD of wet waste into bio-CNG. The Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority is also focused on creating several clusters under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode to bolster waste management and scientific processing. This approach will increase the regions capacity to handle all generated wet waste efficiently. The waste processing unit in Astauli will be developed for an operational period of 25 years, with contractor selection and work allocation progressing rapidly. It is worth mentioning that the process of making road ready bio-fuel through bio-CNG will be accelerated by processing 50 TPD of wet waste. The generated bio-CNG will power various vehicles, including city buses. The produced bio-CNG will meet the Indian Standard Norms (BIS) and comply with the gas cylinder filling standards of the Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO).

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