Govt seeks supplementary grants of 12,209.93 crore

  • | Wednesday | 31st July, 2024

The Uttar Pradesh government on Tuesday tabled the Finance Bill in the Assembly seeking supplementary grants of Rs 12,209.93 crore for the current fiscal 2024-25. This is the first supplementary grant sought by the government during the current fiscal. The government has sought the grants aiming to accelerate development of Uttar Pradesh and link the states youth with skill development and employment opportunities. Finance Minister Suresh Khanna, introducing the Bill in the Assembly, said that the supplementary budget includes a revenue account expenditure of Rs 4,227.94 crore and a capital account expenditure of Rs 7,981.99 crore. He noted that the proposed supplementary budget constitutes 1.66 per cent of this years original budget. In the supplementary budget, Rs 7,500.81 crore has been sought for industrial development, Rs 2,000 crore for the Energy department, and Rs 1,000 crore for the Transport department for purchasing new buses. Additionally, Rs 600 crore are for AMRUT scheme of the Urban Development department, Rs 200 crore for short-term training programmes under the Uttar Pradesh Skill Development Mission, Rs 100 crore for rural stadiums & open gyms, and Rs 28.40 crore for establishing labs in 284 government Inter colleges under the Secondary Education department. Furthermore, Rs 66.82 crore have been sought for setting up ICT labs in 1,040 government Inter colleges. For the various schemes of the Cultural Affairs department, the government has sought Rs 74.90 crore, while Rs 53.85 crore have been sought for establishing Atal residential schools, and Rs 2.79 crore for  the maintenance of residential and non-residential buildings. The finance minister said that Rs 49.80 crore are proposed to be spent for the formation of the Uttar Pradesh Rozgar Mission Samiti and scheme operation, which aims to provide job opportunities at the national and state levels for the youth. Additionally, Rs 3.25 crore have been sought for the renovation of the Data Centre of Vidhan Sabha Secretariat, Rs 1.98 crore for the expansion of the digital communication system and related equipment of the Vidhan Sabha Hall, and Rs 2.45 crore for setting up a digital CCTV surveillance and camera system in the Vidhan Sabha Library premises. Furthermore, Rs 319.95 crore have been sought for new demands and other schemes in the supplementary demands.

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