Govt suspends 2 officials in Hamirpur bribery case

  • | Monday | 29th July, 2024

Under the zero tolerance policy of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, a chakbandi lekhpal and a junior assistant were suspended on Sunday in Hamirpur for involvement in a bribery case. In addition to their suspension, departmental and disciplinary actions have been recommended against both officials. Both have been attached to the settlement officer, consolidation office, and instructions have been given to lodge an FIR against them. Consolidation Commissioner GS Naveen said that the case came to light when a video of Chakbandi Lekhpal Prakhar Chaudhary and junior assistant Prashant Pandey accepting and giving a bribe went viral on social media. Assistant Consolidation Officer Khalid Anjum conducted an investigation in which both officials were prima facie found guilty. Anjum submitted his report to settlement officer consolidation at Hamirpur, who subsequently suspended the accused, recommending departmental and disciplinary action against them and also attached them to the consolidation office settlement officer. Consolidation officers Vimal Kumar and JK Pushkar have been appointed as investigating officers. Additional Consolidation Commissioner Anurag Patel said that instructions had been given to register an FIR against both the accused.

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