Gorakshpeeth reigns supreme in Gorakhpur where Yogis name is enough

  • | Thursday | 30th May, 2024

In Gorakhpur, the Gorakshpeeth has been the epicenter of political power for over three decades, drawing national attention to this Lok Sabha constituency. Bharatiya Janata Party Member of Parliament Ravi Kishan, running for a second term, hopes to capitalise on the same influence that secured his initial victory. Ravi Kishans campaign heavily relies on the support of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, who previously served five terms as Gorakhpurs MP. His main rival, Samajwadi Party candidate Kajal Nishad from the India bloc, is banking on caste dynamics to gain votes. However, the temples influence remains a significant factor in the race. This is Gorakhpur, where Yogis name prevails. The name of Maharaj ji (as Yogi is affectionately called) alone is enough. Whoever wins here does so because of Yogi ji, says Dinesh Pratap, a local resident. The influence of Yogi Adityanath transcends religious boundaries within the constituency. The majority of shops around the Gorakshpeeth temple, selling memorabilia, are owned by Muslims. They benefit from the temples patronage and, out of respect for Maharaj ji, they vote for the BJP, explained Narendra Nath Srivastava, a retired government official. This unique blend of religious and political loyalty underscores Yogi Adityanaths enduring impact on Gorakhpur, solidifying it as a stronghold for the BJP. Historically, the Congress party dominated the Gorakhpur parliamentary constituency, winning six out of eight elections until 1984. However, the political landscape shifted with Mahant Digvijaynaths victory in 1967 and Harikesh Bahadurs win during the 1977 anti-Emergency wave. After losing the seat in 1984, Congress has struggled to regain its position in Gorakhpur. From the late 1980s, Gorakshpeeth reasserted its dominance. Mahant Avaidyanath secured consecutive wins from 1989 to 1996, followed by Yogi Adityanaths five victories from 1998 to 2014. Mahant Digvijaynath had previously represented Gorakhpur in 1967, with Avaidyanath succeeding him after 1969. The Ram Mandir movement saw Avaidyanath return to politics in 1989 under the Hindu Mahasabha, eventually aligning with the BJP. This partnership continued with Yogi Adityanath, solidifying Gorakshpeeths influence over the constituency. In the last two Lok Sabha elections, the BJP won all nine seats in the Gorakhpur and Basti divisions, highlighting the influence of Nath Peeth. Since Yogi Adityanath became Chief Minister in 2017, Ravi Kishan has served as MP from Gorakhpur since 2019, emphasising his allegiance to Gorakshpeeth and Yogis guidance. Conversely, the oppositions strategy appears entangled in the temples influence. After Samajwadi Party candidate Praveen Nishads 2018 by-election win, the BJP reclaimed the seat in the 2019 general elections. The SPs current candidate, Kajal Nishad, faces an uphill task in this Nath Peeth-dominated region. The SPs efforts to mobilise the Nishad community have historically fallen short in general elections. Ravi Kishans decisive win over SPs Ram Bhual Nishad last time prompted the SP to field Kajal Nishad, yet the Nishad community remains aligned with BJP. Ravi Kishan reiterates his campaigns core message: the Gorakhpur seat remains a temple seat. Both BJP and Ravi Kishan are acutely aware that Nath Peeths influence has historically outweighed caste considerations. Their strategy hinges on sustaining this faith-based loyalty to secure another term for Ravi Kishan. The upcoming elections will test the resilience of Gorakshpeeths influence against the oppositions caste-based strategy. As political activities intensify, the entire nation watches closely, anticipating the outcome in this critical constituency.

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