Koti Women’s College Convocation on Nov 5

  • | Friday | 1st November, 2019

A+ A-Hyderabad: University College for Women, Koti is conducting XV Convocation on November 5 at the college campus premises from 10 am. The principal said in a press note today that Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan, the first women Governor of the youngest state, will be the chief guest and deliver the convocation address. Arvind Kumar, in-charge Vice Chancellor of Osmania University, will preside over the program. Over 700 students of the undergraduate batch of 2016-19 will take their degrees on the occasion. No related stories.

A+ A- Hyderabad: University College for Women, Koti is conducting XV Convocation on November 5 at the college campus premises from 10 am. The principal said in a press note today that Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan, the first women Governor of the youngest state, will be the chief guest and deliver the convocation address. Arvind Kumar, in-charge Vice Chancellor of Osmania University, will preside over the program. Over 700 students of the undergraduate batch of 2016-19 will take their degrees on the occasion. No related stories. NSS

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