Manesar to get power push, new substation on cards

  • | Friday | 4th August, 2017

The substation will add 320 MVA of carrying capacity to the state's power supply.Manesar had only one 220 kV substation at Sector 1 that catered to its power needs. GURUGRAM: Power transmission company Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited (HVPNL) will build a new 220 kV substation for IMT Manesar in Sector 8, said Anil Yadav, superintending engineer, HVPNL, on Thursday. "They have capacity to handle 320, 100 and 200 MVA respectively," Yadav said.Gurgaon city requires 1,728 MVA of power supply. Officials told TOI the existing infrastructure can support over 1,800 MVA supply. Yadav added the new substation will supply electricity to sectors 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 in Manesar, and will be ready within two years.HVPNL has also added three new 220 kV substations in Sector 33, Panchgaon and Sector 20.

GURUGRAM: Power transmission company Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited (HVPNL) will build a new 220 kV substation for IMT Manesar in Sector 8, said Anil Yadav, superintending engineer, HVPNL, on Thursday. The substation will add 320 MVA of carrying capacity to the state's power supply.Manesar had only one 220 kV substation at Sector 1 that catered to its power needs. "The entire apparatus of step-down substations and transformers was connected to this. The problem was that if we had to shut down the substation, or if any fault occurred leading to the substation conking out, entire Manesar would plunge into darkness," explained Yadav.The commissioning of the new substation will have two objectives — to ensure there is a backup facility, and to enhance capacity of the power infrastructure by a further 320 MVA. Yadav added the new substation will supply electricity to sectors 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 in Manesar, and will be ready within two years.HVPNL has also added three new 220 kV substations in Sector 33, Panchgaon and Sector 20. "They have capacity to handle 320, 100 and 200 MVA respectively," Yadav said.Gurgaon city requires 1,728 MVA of power supply. Officials told TOI the existing infrastructure can support over 1,800 MVA supply. In total, HVPNL has nine 220 kV high capacity transformers in Gurgaon that form the main pillars of the city's power infrastructure.By 2050, HVPNL will also be building 42 substations of different capacities in new Gurgaon, spanning sectors 58 to 115.

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