JNUTA raises concerns over VCs committee to review special Centres

  • | Thursday | 19th September, 2024

The Jawaharlal Nehru University Teachers Association (JNUTA) has raised concern over the establishment of a seven-member committee by the vice chancellor to review the operations of the Special Centres. The Committee has been given the broad mandate of reviewing courses, syllabi, faculty strength, infrastructure, etc. JNUTA, however, sees this as a direct assault on academic autonomy that will set a dangerous precedent for the institution as a whole, said an official statement of the JNUTA on Wednesday. The JNUTA added the notification does not provide any rationale for this sudden review as the special centres operate under their own established governance structures, according to the JNUs statutes and ordinances Neither the Academic Branch nor the Vice Chancellor have any statutory power to appoint a random committee to review courses, syllabi, and functioning of any special centre, or for that matter, any school or centre, the statement said. The JNUTA claimed that the review could disrupt the functioning of special centres set up over the past 24 years that have been instrumental in developing cutting-edge research programs and interdisciplinary masters courses following established protocols. Demanding immediate revocation of the committee, the JNUTA said, In the absence of such a withdrawal, the JNUTA will be forced to escalate the matter, the responsibility for which will lie solely with the Vice Chancellor and the JNU Administration.

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