Kejriwal resignation political stunt: Congress

  • | Tuesday | 17th September, 2024

Delhi Congress President Devender Yadav on Monday called Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwals resignation  a political stunt and said that the move to wash off the stains of corruption from his soiled hands will not cut much with the people this time. Arvind Kejriwals claim that he will now occupy the Chief Ministers chair only after he goes through Agni Pariksha (Trial by Fire) to prove his innocence before the people, was a clear admission of guilt, that he had committed huge corruption in the now scrapped liquor deal, as he had spearheaded the entire deal, Yadav alleged. He claimed that Delhiites feel relieved to see the exit of a corrupt Chief Minister. Kejriwal had stalled the development of the Capital by 50 years, and he should explain his failure to fulfill the 10 guarantees he had made to the people of Delhi, the Congress leader said. Yadav claimed that Kejriwals resignation is a drama and political stunt to get the sympathy of the people

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