Kejriwal has no right to continue as CM: BJP lashes out at AAP for celebrating

  • | Saturday | 14th September, 2024

Delhi BJP on Friday lashed out at the AAP leaders for celebrating the bail of their party supremo Arvind Kejriwal, granted by the Supreme Court, and said that he has no right to continue as the Chief Minister. The BJP on Friday said Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal should immediately resign from his post as the Supreme Court has granted him only conditional bail and that he continues to be an accused in a corruption case linked to the excise policy scam.The BJP said the top court has categorically barred him from doing work as chief minister. During a press conference at the party headquarters here, BJP national spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia said, "The Supreme Court has shown a mirror to kattar beimaan (outright dishonest) Arvind Kejriwal while granting bail to him. He should immediately resign after this." Kejriwal continues to be an accused in the case as the court has granted him conditional bail, he said, adding that neither have the charges against him been quashed nor has he been acquitted. South Delhi MP Ramvir Singh Bidhuri said that there is a constitutional crisis arises in Delhi as Supreme Court while granting bail to Kejriwal has directed him to stop from working as CM. He said now Arvind Kejriwal can not visit CM Office, can not even sign any file, he should clarify that then how he would run the Delhi Government. State BJP President Virendra Sachdeva said, In the Arvind Kejriwal case, the Supreme Court has made it clear that his arrest is legal, the charges against him are legal. The AAP supremo getting conditional bail is not a special achievement, the trial will go on and he will soon get a long sentence. He also added that due to the conditions on which he has been granted bail, he has no right to continue as the Chief Minister. When he cannot do the work of a Chief Minister, then why does he want to continue as the Chief Minister? If he is truthful, then he should explain why he has been granted bail with such conditions? Sachdeva questioned. Sachdeva claimed that the essential services have been halted because of his jail. Although the development of Delhi has been at a standstill for the last nine and a half years, but due to the Chief Minister being in jail for the last six months, even essential government work has come to a standstill and now when the Chief Minister is being stopped from going to the office, then it is clear that Kejriwal is the Chief Minister only for the bungalow, car and security, he alleged. New Delhi BJP MP Bansuri Swaraj said that AAP leaders are celebrating corruption and misleading the public. Even the Supreme Court has found that Arvind Kejriwals arrest legally justified. Kejriwal had filed two petitions, one questioning the legality of his arrest and the other seeking bail, but the trial court, high court, and now the Supreme Court have all upheld that his arrest was legal, Swaraj asserted, adding that Kejriwal is a careless Chief Minister of an indifferent government. Northeast Delhi MP Manoj Tiwari said that an accused is coming out on bail, and he is a criminal to the people of Delhi because he has committed crimes against them.

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