Mayor instructs concerned departments to provide required civic facilities at Ramlila Ground

  • | Thursday | 12th September, 2024

Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi on Wednesday instructed concerned departments to provide required civic facilities at the Ramlila Ground during Ramlila.  She issued these directions following a meeting with the delegation of Shri Ramlila Committee which requested her to make necessary arrangements. The DEMS Department under the control of Municipal Corporation of Delhi(MCD)was directed to maintain cleanliness during the festival at Ramlila ground including both the sides of the adjacent road. The Public Health Department will make the arrangements to spray pesticides at Ramlila Ground at regular intervals. Apart from this, the other associated arrangements like mobile dispensaries, toilets and Chuna poweder spraying etc will also be made available. The horticulture department of the corporation has been advised for making the arrangements of the service like, pruning of trees and plants, decoration of the stage with suitable plants. The engineering department shall arrange the fixing and repairing of the roads, ground level stabilisation with required water sprinkling for an easy movement of the devotees. Also the arrangements for temporary street lights near the stage shall also be made available by the corporation.

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