Kejriwal Government to increase 100 seats for girl students in free coaching scheme: Atishi

  • | Thursday | 12th September, 2024

Delhi Education Minister Atishi on Wednesday announced that the Kejriwal government has decided to increase 100 seats for girl students under the Mukhyamantri Pratibha Vidyarthi Coaching Yojana, which aims to provide free coaching for NEET and JEE. Atishi said, To provide more opportunities to girls to make progress, the Education Minister announced that from the next session, 100 additional seats will be provided for girl students under the Chief Ministers Super Talented Students Coaching Scheme. The senior AAP leader said that children studying in government schools should work hard to fulfill their dreams and the government will never let expensive coaching fee come in the way of their dreams. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwals vision is that children of every family, whether rich or poor, should move forward and fulfill their dreams. So, we started this scheme, she said. The Minister also interacted with the students and stated, Every year 300 children of class nine and class 11 studying in government schools of Delhi are selected for free coaching of JEE and NEET in top coaching institutes. Addressing the students, the Education Minister said that talent does not see wealth or poverty. A talented child can be born in any family. But the lack of money should never come in the way of childrens talent. That is why Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal started this scheme, she said. Meanwhile, Delhi BJP spokesperson Praveen Shankar Kapoor said, It is shameful that the Kejriwal government, which has not been able to introduce science education in all its schools in the last ten years, is now misleading students by showing them dreams of getting into top engineering and medical colleges when only 25 per cent of Delhi government schools offer science education. He added that as the assembly elections approach, Atishis false propaganda regarding the education model is intensifying, but the people of Delhi have lost all faith in her.

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