• | Tuesday | 10th September, 2024

Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva on Monday attacked the AAP government over the complete ban of fire crackers in the national Capital, accusing it of using the same old eyewash steps like ban on crackers instead of encouraging people to use green crackers. "Experience of past years tells that crackers ban is not accepted by the people of Delhi and crackers are widely burnt so instead of bringing a total ban on crackers the Government should have shown sensitivity to encourage use of green crackers," Sachdeva claimed. Stating that there should be strict actions for controlling pollution, the Delhi BJP chief said, "The fight against pollution is important and stern steps need to be taken but its surprising to see Arvind Kejriwal Government taking the same old eyewash steps like ban on crackers." He attacked the government over not talking to the AAP ruled Punjab over the issue of crop residue burning. "The main source of increase in pollution levels in winter months is crop residue burning, construction and road dust and the Arvind Kejriwal government has till date spoken not a word on whether it has taken up the crop residue burning issue with Punjab Government but it has in haste banned the crackers," the BJP leader alleged. Further, he claimed that despite the ban in previous years, crackers are burnt widely in Delhi. "Experience of past years tells that crackers ban is not accepted by the people of Delhi and crackers are widely burnt so instead of bringing a total ban on crackers the Government should have shown sensitivity to encourage use of Green Crackers," Sachdeva stated. Meanwhile, Federation of Sadar Bazar Trades Association Chairman Paramjit Singh Pamma expressed displeasure over the ban on crackers and said,

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