BJP MLAs letter on Constitutional crisis to President sent to Home Ministry

  • | Tuesday | 10th September, 2024

Director in Presidents Secretariat Shivendra Chaturvedi on Monday wrote to the delegation of Delhi BJP MLAs who met the President Draupadi Murmu on August 30 with an appeal to dismiss the government given the "constitutional crisis plaguing" the Capital, stating that they have forwarded their demands to Ministry of Home Affairs. In his letter to the Leader of Opposition (LoP) in Delhi assembly Vijendra Gupta who led the delegation of BJP MLAs, Chaturvedi said, "This is to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 30th August, 2024 addressed to the President of India jointly signed by seven other MLAs and one former MLA of Delhi Legislative Assembly." He added, "The said communication has been forwarded to the Home Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, for appropriate attention." Earlier, the Delhi BJP MLAs submitted a memorandum to the President, where they stated, "We, the Members of the Delhi Legislative Assembly, approach Your Excellency with profound concern and utmost urgency regarding the ongoing constitutional crisis in the National Capital Territory of Delhi." They added, "The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, has repeatedly and egregiously violated constitutional norms and principles, necessitating your immediate intervention to safeguard the democratic fabric of our nations capital." The Delhi BJP members alleged that despite his imprisonment, Kejriwal has refused to resign, creating an unprecedented situation that has led to a complete breakdown of governance in Delhi. "Kejriwal has made life of Delhiites miserable with no government department working effectively. The memorandum highlighted unprecedented governance paralysis, non-constitution of the sixth Delhi Finance Commission, violation of constitutional procedure: suppression of Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) reports, rampant corruption and financial irregularities and deliberate obstruction of Central government welfare schemes.

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