By including Gautam, Congress confirmed it is sanctuary for opponents of Sanatan Dharm: BJP

  • | Saturday | 7th September, 2024

The Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva on Friday called former Delhi Social Welfare Minister and AAP MLA Rajendra Pal Gautam, who resigned from his party and joined the Congress,  a badly know anti Santan Dharm activist and said that by including him, Congress has confirmed that it is a sanctuary for opponents of Sanatan Dharma. By including Rajendra Pal Gautam in the party from the All India Congress platform, Congress has confirmed that it is a sanctuary for opponents of Sanatan Dharma, he asserted. The Seemapuri MLA resigned from AAP, saying he wanted to intensify the struggle for social justice.  Only Congress leadership and Rahul Gandhi could have included Rajendra Pal Gautam, a badly know anti Santan Dharm activist and close associate of Arvind Kejriwal in their party. We have nothing to say if they are happy doing so, Sachdeva claimed. Gautam resigned as social welfare minister in October 2022 after he kicked off a political storm over his alleged remarks against Hindu gods and goddesses. He has been a very ordinary-level MLA in Delhi, and in the 2020 elections, he was able to retain his seat only due to Kejriwal governments free electricity and water schemes. Over time, due to his outspoken opposition to Sanatan Dharma, he became a political liability for the AAP, leaving Congress as his only political option, he added. He remarked that normally, no party would have accepted the AAP MLA, but it appears that despite becoming a liability, Arvind Kejriwal wanted to safeguard his political future. For this reason, he asked his friends in Congress to include Gautam, he alleged. Further, the Delhi BJP chief added that at Kejriwals behest, Congress has given the honor of including Rajendra Pal Gautam, an opponent of Sanatan Dharma, from the national Congress platform rather than just the Delhi Congress platform. By including Sanatan Dharma opponent Rajendra Pal Gautam through the All India Congress platform, Rahul Gandhi has affirmed that Congress is a sanctuary for those who oppose Sanatan Dharma, he said.

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