App-based bus aggregator scheme giant leap towards pollution-free Delhi: Minister

  • | Thursday | 5th September, 2024

Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot on Wednesday said the Governments app-based premium bus aggregator scheme is a giant leap towards a pollution-free Delhi after he inspected the first lot of buses launched under the initiative.  The Delhi Motor Vehicles Licensing of Aggregator (Premium Buses) Scheme, which aims to reduce intra-city usage of private vehicles and pollution in the national capital, was notified last year. The scheme introduces the nations first-ever aggregator scheme exclusively tailored for premium buses.  Gahlot inspected the first lot of buses of Uber at Rajghat Depot.  I inspected the first lot of Premium Buses, set to be launched under the Delhi Premium Bus Aggregator Scheme. With zero-emission, electric buses leading the way, under the leadership of arvindkejriwal, were taking a giant leap towards a pollution-free Delhi he posted on X.  Under the scheme, licence holders will be permitted to determine bus routes, fares charged would be dynamic but no lower than the peak fare of Delhi Transport Corporation AC buses.   Only pre-booked digital ticketing will be permissible in these buses.

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