Traffic cops to re-launch upgraded version of Traffic Sentinel app

  • | Friday | 30th August, 2024

Delhi Lieutenant Governor(LG)Vinai Kumar Saxena has directed Delhi Traffic Police to re-launch the modified and upgraded version of the Traffic Sentinel Mobile App as Traffic Prahari starting September 1, which serves as a platform for the common citizens to report traffic/parking violations and thus helps in regulating city traffic. It aims at enhancing peoples participation in the management of traffic as direct stakeholders.  Citizens will now be able to complain of traffic violations, help the police track them and contribute to managing traffic in the city, Raj Niwas officials said. Traffic Sentinel scheme (TSS) is a unique scheme where common citizens act as the eyes and ears of Delhi Traffic Police and help reduce the number of traffic violations on roads by reporting the same to the police. To further encourage citizens participation, the LG asked the Delhi Traffic Police to introduce monthly rewards system for the Traffic Prahari.  As part of this, a first reward of Rs 50,000, 2ndreward of Rs 25,000, 3rdreward of Rs 15,000 and 4threward of Rs 10,000 will be given every month to the top 04 performers, based on the points earned through their activities and reporting of traffic violations. The first monthly rewards would be distributed in the first week of October, after analyzing the activities of the Traffic Praharis through the month of September. The LG said Traffic Praharis Scheme would provide the aware citizens with an opportunity to participate with Delhi Traffic Police in maintaining the city traffic and preventing traffic violations. He said this would additionally provide avenues of income to the people as well as contribute constructively and significantly in governance and earn. He said the effectiveness of the scheme would be reviewed after six months and based on the results, the monthly rewards would also be accordingly enhanced so as to encourage more participation of the people.  Saxena exuded confidence that this model of citizens participation would prove effective in creating awareness about citizens rights and responsibilities while being the partners of the government

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