Lawyer files complaint with Delhi Police against Mamata for inciting remarks

  • | Friday | 30th August, 2024

A lawyer has filed a complaint with the Delhi Police on Thursday against West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for her remarks at a Trinamool Chhatra Parishad event, alleging they were provocative and inciting statements. The complaint, filed by Vineet Jindal, a practising lawyer at the Supreme Court, to the Delhi Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora is against Banerjees statement on Wednesday where she reportedly said, Remember, if Bengal burns, then Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, and Delhi will also burn.It is clear that this statement is instigating, provocative, and antinational in nature. Her words are intended to create hatred and enmity between different groups on the basis of region, which is prejudicial to the maintenance of harmony. As the Chief Minister of a state in the Union of India, she holds significant influence over the public, he said. He added that the seriousness of her statement is amplified by her position as Chief Minister, where she controls the administrative and law enforcement authorities in West Bengal. Her words clearly indicate a willingness to misuse her power to create unstoppable unrest in the state and other parts of the country, Jindal alleged. Given the instigating and provocative nature of her statement, which intends to create disharmony and foster hatred and enmity among the masses of India, as she mentioned the name of Delhi in her statement as one of the states, I being a resident of Delhi respectfully request that an FIR be lodged under Sections 152, 192, 196, and 353 of the BNS against Mamata Banerjee.

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