108 passengers booked, 32 fined for travelling in Metro ladies coaches

  • | Thursday | 29th August, 2024

In a bid to prevent the unlawful entry of male commuters into women coaches on weekdays, the Delhi Metro, as part of its special drive, booked 108 men and fined 32 passengers on the first day of the drive. In a statement by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), it said, Delhi Metro has started a special drive on all its lines to check/prevent unlawful entry of male passengers inside ladies coach during weekdays starting from Tuesday.  This special drive is being carried out by deploying ten flying squads each, comprising of personnel from Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Delhi Metro Rail Police (DMRP) and DMRC. The squads will keep a vigil on unauthorized entry of male passengers into the ladies coaches or misbehaving by conducting surprise checks randomly throughout the day to ensure that women commuters feel safe and comfortable while travelling in the Metro, it added. Those who are found breaking the rules, disobeying the instructions of the flying squads or refusing to pay the fine, amounting to Rs 250, will be deboarded from the train and will be handed over to the Delhi Metro Rail Police.  On the first day of drive yesterday, a total of 108 male passengers were counseled and removed from ladies coach whereas, 32 male passengers were fined for Rs. 250 each under the Delhi Metro (O&M) Act. The DMRC has also conducted similar drives in the past also to ensure women safety, DMRC stated.  Additionally, women commuters can also inform DMRC 24X7 Helpline Number 155370 in case of any misbehavior or unauthorized entry into ladies coach by male passengers. DMRC would also like to reiterate that first coach of all Metro trains in running direction is reserved for women passengers only and male passengers are advised to refrain from travelling in this coach, irrespective of metro services timings, it said. The DMRC had booked 1,906 male passengers for entering women coaches between January and June this year, earlier data showed.

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