Sukesh seeks apology from Sisodia over his remarks in letter to LG

  • | Monday | 19th August, 2024

Sukesh Chandrashekhar, who is accused in a Rs 200 crore cheating case involving the wife of a former Fortis Healthcare promoter, has sent a legal notice to former Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia seeking unconditional apology over the senior AAP leaders remarks regarding his letter to the Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena. Sisiodia stated that the Tihar administration duly submits the letter of conman Sukesh to the Lieutenant Governors office. Sukeshs lawyer has said that remarks have subjected him to loss of reputation, goodwill, harassment and mental agony, and various other adverse consequences In the letter, he stated, You have made a libelous comment against our client in response to the letters wherein the Lieutenant Governor has taken action against letters of our Client and as stated by you have also given reference to the letter from Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal regarding the flag hoisting.  You have referred to Sukesh as a mahathug/ conman in your statement which has caused ruinous and irremediable damage to his reputation, it stated, adding that the courts have unequivocally passed an order to not use the term conman for our client and his statements are in complete defiance of the mandate of the Courts. You are put to notice that by your callous, vengeful and irresponsible actions, you have committed the serious criminal offence of defamation, and are therefore liable to be prosecuted, inter-alia, under the provisions of Sections 356(1) and 356(2) of the BNS, it added. He directed Sisiodia to not make any further false, scurrilous, defamatory and disparaging allegations and imputations against Sukesh. In the meanwhile, the AAP leader is directed to unconditionally retract and withdraw all the malafide, defamatory and scurrilous imputations and remarks are hereby called upon to, within seven days from the date of receipt of the notice and issue an unconditional public apology immediately. Our Client instructs us to state that in the event, you fail to comply with each of the actions set forth above, Our Client shall be constrained to institute against you appropriate legal proceedings, the entire costs, risks and consequences for which, you will be solely liable, it added.

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