600 police personnel practise short-range firing ahead of I-Day

  • | Wednesday | 14th August, 2024

Over 600 Delhi Police personnel of the northeast district on Tuesday practised firing with short-range weapons at the police shooting range here ahead of the Independence Day celebrations. Bracing up for the security arrangements in the national Capital for the big event, DCP North East Joy Tirkey said that ahead of any big event, including Independence Day, Republic Day, or even the Lok Sabha or state election they try to refresh the weapon training of the police officers. Hence, ahead of the upcoming Independence Day celebrations and while honing their skills and proficiency, we managed to get 681 police personnel of North-East District to practice firing from Short-Range weapons, he added. The police personnel, who practised firing with short-range weapons, will be deployed at different strategic locations in Delhi, said a senior police officer, adding all the police personnel are combat-ready and can deal with any untoward condition. The officer further said that they have already intensified night patrolling in the border areas. Multi-layered barricading were installed at Delhi-Haryana and Delhi-Uttar Pradesh borders. SHOs are instructed to check all the vehicles and their owners documents entering the national capital, he added. On the occasion of the Independence Day, more than 3,000 traffic police personnel will be deployed to regulate the traffic and will be deployed at major junctions across the national capital, and also on roads connecting the border to the Red Fort. Security has been beefed up in the national capital and deployment of over 3,000 traffic police officers, more than 10,000 police personnel and 700 AI-based facial recognition cameras in the national capital ahead of the Independence Day celebrations, said the officer.

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