Tihar circular makes it clear Kejriwal doesnt have authority to issue directives from jail: BJP

  • | Tuesday | 13th August, 2024

Amid the Tihar Jail Superintendent informing Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal that his letter to Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena regarding the flag hoisting on Independence Day was "an abuse of privileges",  Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva on Monday claimed that the letter makes it clear that the AAP supremo does not have the authority to issue any administrative directives from jail. Sachdeva alleged that Delhi and the nation witnessed Arvind Kejriwal spreading anarchy just days before the Republic Day celebrations in 2014. It is regrettable that ten years later, once again, Arvind Kejriwal is determined to make the Delhi Independence Day celebrations controversial due to his obstinacy, he stated. He mentioned that a few days ago, the entire social media ecosystem of the AAP spread the news of Kejriwal writing a letter to the Saxena, stating that Minister Atishi would hoist the national flag on August 15. However, today, a circular letter from the Tihar Jail Superintendent has come to light, making it clear that whether it is Chief Minister Kejriwal or any other prisoner, they are only allowed to send letters from jail concerning their personal and family matters. They are not permitted to issue any governmental directives or requests from jail, Sachdeva claimed Sachdeva claimed that Minister Gopal Rai issued a new misleading letter as soon as the circular letter from the Jail Superintendent surfaced stating that as per the Chief Ministers instructions Atishi would hoist the national flag and the concerned department should prepare for it. Since the Jail Superintendents circular letter makes it clear that the Chief Minister cannot issue any governmental directives from jail, it is evident that Gopal Rais letter is unconstitutional, invalid, and Atishi cannot hoist the national flag, he said, adding that Kejriwal is making the Independence Day flag hoisting controversial. It would be better if the General Administration Minister, Gopal Rai, consults constitutional experts and the Lieutenant Governor to ensure that the decision made is valid under the Constitution, he added.

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