Kejriwal Government has murdered Constitution by not forming Finance Commission: BJP MLA Vijender

  • | Friday | 26th July, 2024

Addressing a press conference, former BJP state president and MLA Vijender Gupta said that by not forming the Sixth Delhi Finance Commission, the Kejriwal government has murdered the constitution and shattered the Panchayati Raj system. Gupta demanded the immediate dismissal of the anarchist Kejriwal government, which repeatedly violates the constitution and harms Delhis interests. MLAs OP Sharma, Jitendra Mahajan, and Abhay Verma were also present at the press conference. Gupta stated that since coming to power, the Kejriwal government has been continuously violating the constitution. In 2015, despite accepting the Fourth Finance Commission report in the assembly, it was not implemented, openly flouting the constitution. Gupta mentioned that the recommendations of the Fifth Delhi Finance Commission were based on the three divided municipal corporations, whose tenure ended in March 2021. The recommendations of the Sixth Finance Commission, based on the unified Municipal Corporation of Delhi, were to be implemented from April 1, 2021.

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