AAP raps LG over felling of trees

  • | Monday | 15th July, 2024

AAP on Sunday alleged conspiracy between the BJP and the Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena to push the people of Delhi into air pollution by illegally felling hundreds of trees and called the LG a killer of trees. AAPs Chief Spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar said, He has put an end to the efforts of the Kejriwal government to make Delhi air pollution free by getting 1100 trees felled in the Satbari ridge area without the permission of the Supreme Court. Addressing a press conference, she said, On one hand, there is the AAP government, which is planting trees, is constantly trying to make Delhi pollution free and on the other hand, there is the LG of Delhi who secretly goes to an eco-sensitive zone and orders tree felling in contempt of the Supreme Court. An order of the Supreme Court is required to cut even a single tree there. Without the order of the Supreme Court, cutting even a single tree in that eco-sensitive zone, in the ridge area of Satbari is not allowed, Kakkar said.

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