BJP MP Chandolia expresses concern over breach

  • | Friday | 12th July, 2024

The North West Delhi BJP MP Yogendra Chandolia expressed concern over the breach in the Munak canal on Thursday and met locals in the Bawana areas whose lives got affected because of the flooding caused by the rupture. As soon as Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva and MP Yogendra Chandolia were informed by the local people about the breach of the Munak Canal wall in Bawana on Thursday morning, they spoke to the concerned officials of the Delhi and Haryana governments and directed them to start relief work, Delhi BJP Media Head Praveen Shankar Kapoor said. He added that following the instructions of Sachdeva, the BJP MP worked tirelessly throughout the day on the ground to drain the water and went to Haryana to temporarily stop the water supply of Munak Canal. Speaking on the issue, Chandolia said, When he received calls from workers that water had entered the JJ Colony in Bawana and the water level was continuously rising, he immediately informed the state BJP President. Informing about his visit, he stated that he personally went to the area near the Munak Canal behind the colony with some officials and local people, where they found a breach in the dam. After discussing the issue with the chief engineer overseeing the Munak Canal, I went to Garhi Bindroli village in Haryana, where the water for the Munak Canal is released from, and temporarily stopped the water supply, he said. The water entering Delhis Munak Canal was diverted and released into the Yamuna River to quickly drain the water that had entered the JJ Colonies. An area of seven kilometres was affected by this entire waterlogging, Chandolia claimed.

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