Mayor conducts comprehensive inspection of MCD control room

  • | Wednesday | 10th July, 2024

Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) Mayor Dr. Shelly Oberoi conducted a comprehensive inspection of the civic bodys control room which was aimed at assessing the handling of complaints, bringing procedural efficiency, and bringing down resolution time by the officials. During the inspection, she was accompanied by IT Director Sumit Kumar and senior MCD representatives. Oberoi was briefed on the nature of complaints received by the MCD, with sanitation and water logging being the most common issues. It was highlighted that these complaints are automatically forwarded to the respective zones for prompt action. The majority of complaints are resolved within 1-2 days after being reported. Notably, the MCD officials take swift action to address water logging by deploying temporary pumps in the affected areas, a MCD official stated. Further, she was also informed that a total of 18,150 cleanliness complaints have been registered with MCD from June 1 until Tuesday, out of which approximately 80 per cent, which means 14,716 complaints, have been resolved. The Mayor emphasised the importance of citizen engagement and encouraged Delhi residents to register their complaints by calling 155305. She shared a few snippets from her visits, stating, Today I inspected the control room of MCD-311 App and instructed the officers to improve the functioning to deal with complaints related to water logging and mosquitoes due to monsoon received on 311- App.

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