Atishi on hunger strike says no to medical aid

  • | Tuesday | 25th June, 2024

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Monday claimed that the Delhi Water Minister Atishis health has deteriorated on the fourth day of her indefinite fast and doctors have advised her hospitalisation. According to AAP, Atishi, however, refused to be treated at a hospital, despite adverse health effects until Haryana releases Delhis "rightful share of water". "My blood pressure and sugar levels are dropping and my weight has gone down. Ketone level is very high which can have harmful effects in the long run. No matter how much my body suffers, I will continue the fast till Haryana releases water," she said at the site of hunger strike at Jungpuras Bhogal. In a statement, AAP said that Atishis weight and blood pressure is decreasing rapidly, which doctors from Lok Nayak (LNJP) Hospital said was "dangerous". "Water Minister Atishis weight is also decreasing unexpectedly. Before sitting on hunger strike on 21st June, her weight was 65.8 kg which has come down to 63.6 kg on the fourth day of the hunger strike. That is, her weight has decreased by 2.2 kg in just four days," the statement said. "Her blood sugar level has decreased by 28 units on the fourth day as compared to the first day of the hunger strike," the party claimed, adding that her blood pressure level has also decreased. "Doctors have described the speed at which Water Minister Atishis blood sugar level, blood pressure and weight have decreased as dangerous. Along with this, Minister Atishis urine ketone level of water is also increasing. Such an increase in the amount of ketone in her body will be dangerous for her health," it said.The AAP said doctors have advised Atishi to be admitted to a hospital in view of her deteriorating health but she is fighting for Delhis rightful share of water by "risking her life". A doctors report said the "patient has been counselled for admission and oral intake" but she refused. Meanwhile, in a video message, Atishi said she would continue her indefinite hunger strike, which entered the fourth day on Monday, despite adverse health effects. "My blood pressure and sugar levels are dropping and my weight has gone down. Ketone level is very high which can have harmful effects in the long run. No matter how much my body suffers, I will continue the fast till Haryana releases water," she said. She has claimed that Delhi was getting 100 MGD less for the last three weeks which has caused a shortage, affecting 28 lakh people in Delhi.Meanwhile, the Delhi BJP stated that if Atishis did her work honestly, she wouldnt have to stage a strategic dama.

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