RWAs in Capital call for arrangements at booths to beat heat on poll day

  • | Wednesday | 22nd May, 2024

As the national Capital is reeling under severe heat wave, Residents Welfare Associations here are calling for basic arrangements to beat the heat at polling booths on election day. Polling for the seven Lok Sabha seats in Delhi will be held on May 25. East Delhi RWAs president, B S Vohra said, "The capital is on red alert and stepping out to vote in this heat poses significant risks to our health. The temperature has already reached 45 degrees Celsius. Thats why we are demanding basic arrangements like coolers, fans, cold drinking water, and doctors for any emergency cases to prevent any mishaps." Another RWA president, Sanjay Gupta of Model Town, said, "In our area, most residents are senior citizens. For them, stepping out to vote in this heat will be a tough job. We are encouraging people to cast their vote in the morning. However, basic arrangements must be in place." He also said they have scheduled a meeting on May 23 to discuss further actions, ensure that necessary measures are in place for the polling day and determine what they can do for the residents. Earlier, this month Delhi Chief Electoral Officer(CEO)P Krishnamurthy assured the public that adequate arrangements, including drinking water and properly shaded waiting areas with coolers, would be made at polling stations. The Delhi CEO has also directed officials to provide essential medical kits and other supplies at every polling station. "IMD has predicted that heat wave is likely to be more intense. We held a meeting with all stakeholders and certain initiatives were taken. We have to try to strengthen these arrangements at the polling stations. We have asked our field officers to set up coolers, fans, and cold drinking water facilities at the polling station," he said. With a total of 8,000 volunteers, arrangements have been made for pick-up and drop-off facilities for persons with disability and senior citizens. There will be 3,500 wheelchairs at the polling stations to facilitate their participation in the electoral process. Delhi has seen a steady rise in temperature in recent days. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) predicted heat wave conditions in many parts of Delhi. According to the seven-day forecast, the maximum temperature will be in the range of 44 to 47 degrees Celsius.

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