JNU students boycott registration process

  • | Thursday | 2nd January, 2020

New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) students on Wednesday boycotted the registration process, where the students union asked the vice-chancellor "to have a proper deliberation and work in the spirit of resolution" of issues. Speaking to Millennium Post Arham a student at JNU said that after collective decision students have decided to boycott the registration. The students union call to boycott the registration has also created an uneasiness amongst the students. Arham, on the other hand, said that the students union is trying to persuade everyone, asking them not to worry. JNU admin on Monday sent out circulars asking students to complete the requirements for the registration process.

New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) students on Wednesday boycotted the registration process, where the students union asked the vice-chancellor "to have a proper deliberation and work in the spirit of resolution" of issues. Speaking to Millennium Post Arham a student at JNU said that after collective decision students have decided to boycott the registration. The registration process for the next semester started on Wednesday. "The whole point was that they implement the updated IHA hostel manual from next semester," she said. The students can only register after they get clearance from different departments, which include hostel and library amongst others. Meanwhile, the students have physically blocked the rooms of caretakers, mess managers. "We have to take clearance from them, hence it was decided to physically block the rooms," said a PhD student at JNU. The students union call to boycott the registration has also created an uneasiness amongst the students. "Many students are tensed. I mean after boycotting the examination, we also are boycotting the registration. We will boycott the registration, but question on the next step arises here," said the Ph.D. student. Arham, on the other hand, said that the students union is trying to persuade everyone, asking them not to worry. Even after the administration held a meeting with JNUSU, no concrete conclusion came out of it. JNU admin on Monday sent out circulars asking students to complete the requirements for the registration process. However, the admin had implemented the hiked fee, which also included a medical fee of Rs. 500. This was later removed by the administration. "The admin is under pressure as well, they rolled back the medical expense per semester," said Arham. Meanwhile, JNUSU is having governing body meetings (GBMs) to decide the next course of action. Meanwhile, JNUs Vice-Chancellor M Jagadesh Kumar had addressed the students through a letter, asserting how the recent incidents have "impeded the forward march" of the university.

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