Bawana accused had no licence to run factory: Delhi cops

  • | Monday | 29th January, 2018

Both versions seem to be similar — except that Jain appeared ignorant of the fact that Goel didn’t have any licence or document to run any factory,” sources said. Sources said Goel — who was arrested on Saturday — told police during questioning that they didn’t have any licence. (Express Photo)A week after 17 labourers died in a blaze at an illegal firecracker packaging unit in Bawana, investigation by the Crime Branch revealed that the two accused in the case had no licence to operate any factory, sources said. Police had initially claimed that the accused, Manoj Jain (50), told them he got the factory on rent from his friend and co-accused Lalit Goel (45) and that Goel had originally “procured” a licence to manufacture plastic. While Jain has been remanded in police custody till January 29, Goel will remain in custody till January 31.

17 people died in the blaze. (Express Photo) 17 people died in the blaze. (Express Photo) A week after 17 labourers died in a blaze at an illegal firecracker packaging unit in Bawana, investigation by the Crime Branch revealed that the two accused in the case had no licence to operate any factory, sources said. Police had initially claimed that the accused, Manoj Jain (50), told them he got the factory on rent from his friend and co-accused Lalit Goel (45) and that Goel had originally “procured” a licence to manufacture plastic. Sources said Goel — who was arrested on Saturday — told police during questioning that they didn’t have any licence. Sources said police will also question the owner of the two-storey building, to whom the land was given by the Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (DSIIDC). “The DSIIDC had given the land to her husband. After he died, ownership was transferred to her. We will question her on whether she gave a rent agreement to Goel and Jain and if licences were issued by the MCD to operate the factory,” a police officer said. Meanwhile, police sources said Goel corroborated the statements made by Jain. “Goel was questioned about details regarding the licence. Similar questions were put to Jain earlier. Both versions seem to be similar — except that Jain appeared ignorant of the fact that Goel didn’t have any licence or document to run any factory,” sources said. Jain had told police that they had taken the two-storey building on rent for Rs 25,000 per month on January 1, and that work had begun on January 8. “The accused also hid consignments of explosive material at certain locations in the city. We will question them about this as well,” an officer claimed. While Jain has been remanded in police custody till January 29, Goel will remain in custody till January 31. Police said that they will seek an extension of Jain’s custody and question the duo together. “They claimed this was the first time they had set up a firecracker unit. We will verify this,” the officer said. For all the latest Delhi News, download Indian Express App

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